Earthside Living Well

A place to Learn. serve. Teach. Grow.

A Medicine Woman’s Prayer

I will not resue you for you are not powerless.

I will not fix you, for you are not broken.

I will not heal you, for I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.

Bless + Be Blessed

WE all have to start somewhere!  And with a grateful heart, we are happy to meet you here.  WE… being The Oil Team.  
We are a growing community of Life & Health Lovers showing up through the vessel of doTERRA Essential Oil Wellness Advocates.  
And so ... here we are.  sharing this blessing of natural wellness forward through our daily lifestyle, sharing of oils, teaching, and supporting through this collaborative path.
There is not a day that goes by where we are not inspired to connect with you! This wellthy journey all feels so deeply meaningful to us.  We feel a great responsibility to share what we know and what we live.  Because we try to our honest best to live out a beautiful, healthy, fulfilled, joyful life. We take deep responsibility in living out our gifts, while sharing this path with you, hoping to help, even if in the smallest way,  you live out your gifts too. We believe that wellbeing is 100% our responsibility and everything we will teach you on our journey together will be focused on guiding you to self regulate and OWN IT.
We would love to welcome you into this beautiful essential oil lifestye and community.  You will be amazed at the .. things.. these oils can solve for you and the goodness awaiting for you within our community.

doTERRA is the largest essential oil + wellness company - Worldwide.

here’s why:

The co-impact sourcing model:

  • The the way that doTERRA sources is actually the most expensive way to do it … but it’s the right way. They source globally where the plants are meant to grow and not only that, they work WITH the farmers there to create a better economy. There is a dark shadow in the essential oil industry where most brands are using middle men to rob the global farmers of their potential. doTERRA’s model creates global abundance. You’ll want to read look around on Source to You (This website causes a disturbance for other essential oil companies because it demands a level of transparency they are not currently willing to provide)

The purity standard:

  • There is no governing body overseeing the essential oil industry. So that means there is no reason for a brand to be honest about what is in that bottle of 100% pure frankincense they’re selling for $7. This is why doTERRA created the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade stamp of quality (CPTG) so that you know doTERRA stands for having the highest quality, highest purity and most sustainably sourced essential oil in the world.

The leadership + culture:

  • The integrity within the culture of doTERRA begins with the 7 owners that make up the executive team and then it circulates throughout the highest levels of leadership ranks within doTERRA. You’ll notice a theme of alignment, conscious leadership + integrity here.

Curious soul?

Are you curious about what doTERRA essential oils could do for you? Are you brand new to using oils in your life and want to learn how to put them to work? Let us be your guide.

PURE PLANT POWER ~ Potent & They work!!

Our community of education + support is here to walk along side you.

Let us introduce you to the doTERRA Pure Essential Oils Lifestyle Curious Soul Click here with a Free Wellness Assessment

📌Days Like These… Life is so full and a bit noisy. The access to information in these days can be overwhelming. We want to help simplify the noise by providing a few tools that can help aide in living a long and healthy life with foundational health.

📌Do you believe our bodies are designed to heal its self? Through nature, sunrise & sunset, grounding and all the elements of plant wisdom is where the power resides. . Nature has a wisdom beyond all other along with the ability to assilmate our body needs. This is the dance we have been designed for. Our Essences

Join us to learn our personal stories and how doTERRA essential oils are key tools in our day to day moments of life.

📌GOOD to KNOW -PURE Plant Based Medicine - doTERRA Essential Oils are similar to medicine in the fact that each oil is not going to have the same effect on every single person.

📌Let us prepare you a wellness sample for your personal goal be it physicial, emotional, spirtual, or heart centered. This will give you the opportunity to have your own wellness oil experience and hopefully will join us to share your experience. This opportunity will have you on your way to your possible best year yet. Let’s let this year be an amazing year together. So if you use an oil and don't get the results you are looking for, that's okay, we can try something else. Just be sure to connect with your oil person. This is what we do… we help guide + connect.

📌How this will flow: We will prepare your special wellness package. Watch for our email note to your inbox.

Next step will be to register for one of our oil classes. Please try to hold onto your oil sample and we will open it together in the classroom. (or jump right into use and please share during class (live or chatbox) your experience with us.

This journey is so FUN and we are delighted to have you trust us on this wellness path. Feel free to invite a friend.