your audio coaching for today:

your actions for today:


The most effective way to launch yourself or new builders is through a launch season. During this season, you will teach 1 class a week for 3 months. If you want to fast track your growth - follow what Alysse teaches through the ‘6 Weeks to Elite’ approach. This generates the most momentum, gives you/a new builder a better opportunity to find their own builders right at the start, and lets them place more strategically by having many enrolments all in the same 14-day placement window.

Here’s what a 6 Weeks to Elite Schedule looks like:

Time Required:

  • 20 hours a week (15 is the minimum to gain proper momentum building this business)

  • 2 weeks to sample properly

  • A week where they can host 4 classes in one week

  • Continue to teach two classes a week for another 3 weeks and then teach one class a week ongoing .

Weeks 1-2:

  • Create a Names List

  • Rank the list with the 7-Star Rating System

  • Start Effective Sampling & Inviting with the people who have the most stars by their name

  • Sample at least 45 people (you want to fill your classes!)

  • Speed up the building process by scheduling 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls with your upline early on!

Week 3:

  • Launch week! Host 4 classes in a week

  • Try to do a couple of weeknight classes and a couple on the weekend

  • Set a goal to book 2 new classes from each class taught

  • Schedule 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls with those interested from the Basic Business Intro at the end of each class

Week 4:

  • Wellness Consults with the enrollments from Week 3

  • 3-Way Builder Prospect Calls

Weeks 5-6:

  • Teach classes booked from your first classes

  • Continue booking classes from classes

  • Continue finding new builders


  • Book classes with hosts at the end of your Intro to Oils Classes

  • If they put a date on the calendar for their class give them an empty 8-vial keychain to take home.

  • For every person that comes to their class, you’ll give them a sample vial of essential oil to put in their keychain.

  • There are different types of people that host classes:

    • The type of person that just wants to share information with their friends and family but does not want to make any money.

    • The second type wants to share the product and possibly pay for the oils that they purchase.

    • The third type wants to host a class because they want to build a business

    • You can discover what their interest is when you’re doing their Wellness Consult before they have their class

    • Script: “We have a class date set for a specific time and I would like to make that class just as successful as the class that you attended. I would like to have all of your friends that come to the class have a powerful experience just like you did. I am going to write down for you all of the steps that I did to make sure that you had a good experience. So it’s clear what it takes to give someone a great experience at the class and so that it can change their lives.”

      • Call and ask if they would be interested in a sample.

      • Deliver the sample.

      • Follow up with that sample, possibly deliver another sample until they have a good experience with the oils.

      • Invite to a class.

      • Call two days before the class.

      • Text two hours before the class.

      • The hostess needs to look at this list and decide which of these things they would like to do and which things they would like the leader to do.

      • The hostess needs to decide what level of involvement with preparation for the class that they are comfortable with.

      • This is a great way for you know what type of person you’re dealing with. Whether it’s a sharer or a builder.

      • If you’re dealing with a hostess that doesn’t want to make money or a sharer, you will need to provide the sample vials, oils, stickers and the essential oil reference guides.

📝 Your Assignment: Decide when your launch season will be.
And then block everything out in your schedule as taught in this video and through the schedule above.
Also, reach out to all of the contacts on your tracking sheet to see if they’d like to host a class.

On Day 17, you’re going to learn about the Proper Placements of customers + builders.