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Our Team Compensation Toolkit
If you want to have a long-term, sustainable, truly residual income that lasts for years and decades, you should have ONE GOAL when it comes to placements: TIME FREEDOM.
If you place irresponsibly, rushing to get Power of 3 bonuses or to pop to Premier rank prematurely, you may create a mess for yourself later on.
The most sustainable business structure is where your key partners are Committed and Capable. When your legs are all build beneath Committed and Capable builders (rather than less committed/capable builders, sharers, and customers), your momentum will increase exponentially.
Ideal Team Structure:
Level 1: Committed and Capable builders
Level 2: Committed OR Capable builders
Level 3: Customers & Sharers
Committed means: they do what they say they’re going to do, when they say they’ll do it. You determine commitment by how they treat their earliest commitments with doTERRA. Do they keep their appointments? When you ask them to watch a video or read an email, do they do it?
Capable means: they can bring people to the table. They can figure things out. They can sign people up. You determine capability by watching if they can get people to classes, bring people to you, or enroll people themselves. They can also tap into resources to learn to do things themselves.
Utilize the 14-day placement window to determine if a builder is Committed and Capable. Don't guess. Give them chances to demonstrate it.
What happens if someone is either Committed or Capable, but not both? Someone who doesn’t demonstrate both Commitment and Capability is great for your 2nd level. These are valuable Builders who will likely require more time and energy from you, which is why they don’t go on your front line.
By keeping a high standard for your closest business partners, you show up like a professional who can attract the kind of partners you’re looking for. This doesn’t mean you disregard people who don’t fit your mold perfectly. You welcome all to your team, and you also make smart decisions about your resources of time and energy.
📝 Your Assignment: Go through the 1st, 2nd & 3rd levels of your organization and classify them as users, sharers or builders (remember - builders are committed + capable)
On Day 18, you’re going to learn about the most Common Placements Mistakes + Fixes