your audio coaching for today:
your actions for today:
Sampling Vials + Usage Guides (see momentum shop)
Our Sampling Toolkit
Sampling before your Online Class (PDF)
If you’d like to see an example of an online Sampling process, click here to see my form request and my sample solutions to choose from
🗒️ PRO SAMPLING TIPS: There are effective ways to sample, and there are ways that just waste your time and money. Here’s how to do it right:
The sample is free to your contact
Sample only ONE oil at a time (you want them to focus on the results)
Sample only ONE health challenge
Choose health needs with acute symptoms (something they’ll see a quick result with)
10-20 drops of an essential oil so that it will be enough for a few applications
Sampling before someone attends a class (both in person or online) will influence whether they show up or not
The Top oils for sampling are:
Wild Orange, Deep Blue, Peppermint, Lavender, Digest Zen/ZenGest and OnGuard.
These are the top because they help create a quick and often really great experience! Although like Alysse says in this training - don't over promise through giving a sample. Remind that if this sample doesn't give them a great experience, you'll work with them until they find the oil that does!
Deliver the sample in person or send it in the mail (you may include a couple samples for one ailment if you’re mailing them; just tell them to only use one at a time.)
Give them an essential oil usage guide with the sample
Wait until your customer has had a great experience with a sample, before inviting to your class (this is ideal)
If you follow this method exactly and don’t tweak anything, you can expect 80% attendance rates at classes, higher enrolments, and ease setting people up with LRP!
When you follow this model and invite 10 sampled people to your class, 8 will come and 6 will enroll!
Set expectations around the sample:
“Essential Oils are similar to medication in this way...When you have an ailment and you go to the doctor and receive a prescription and if you use it and it doesn’t work, you usually don’t think to yourself ‘I’m never going to try medication again because it’s all useless.’What you think is ‘That medication didn’t work well on my body so I need to go back to the doctor and ask him for something different.’ We have been programmed this way, we understand that medications affect people differently. Essential Oils are similar in the fact that each oil is not going to have the exact same effect on every single person. So if you use an oil and don’t get the results you’re looking for, that’s OK, we can try something else. If you’re patient enough with Essential Oils like you are with medication we will find something that is safer, cheaper and more effective for you.”
Tell Them How to Use it and What to Look For:
“Here’s what you’re going to do: When you’re getting into bed tonight, rub a few drops of this Serenity oil onto your temples. Also graze your pillow with your fingertips. As you lay down and take slow, deep breaths, you’ll feel a wonderful calm come over you. You should feel more relaxed, and you should sleep better. But remember if you don’t get the results you’re hoping for we can try something else. I’ll call you in two days to see how it goes. Around when is the best time to call?”
Give them an essential oil quick reference guide and explain how to use it.
“Oh and I also wanted to gift you the - it’s an essential oil reference guide. Have a look through it and learn some of simple ways you can use essential oils for the most common ailments.”
📝 Your Assignment:
Work on filling 50 sample vials with 10 drops of oil while you listen to the audio sessions for today
Order any supplies you’re needing from the Momentum Shop
Practice sampling someone in your home using the scripts.
On Day 3, you’re going to learn how to Followup after the Sample.