🎙️ your audio coaching for today:

🗒️ your actions for today:


Sampling Flowchart Image

Our team Follow up Toolkit

Your Customer Experience Tracker

🗒️ Implement this SAMPLING and FOLLOW UP process:

Offer 1 sample based on your customer’s highest health priority

Give them a call 2 days after giving them the sample

Use the Conversation Scripts below to guide the conversation

If they’ve had a good experience with the sample, then invite them to your next class

Review the Sampling Flow Chart at the bottom of this page

🗒️ Conversation Scripts:

Say this “Hi! Have you had an opportunity to use the oil sample yet?” (Don’t say “Hey, wanted to see how you liked the sample” because if they haven’t tried it yet, they’ll feel bad)

If NO: “That’s okay! Here’s what we’re going to do: When you get home tonight and start getting ready for bed … (repeat the usage instructions!) Then I’ll give you a call in the morning to see how it goes.” Check in with them the next morning to see how it went. If they still haven’t used it, invite them to grab the sample and teach them on the spot how to use it.

If YES: “How was your experience?”

  • If anything LESS THAN AWESOME: Don’t react or sound surprised. Simply listen to their experience. Restate what they experienced. Then say, “Here’s what we’re going to do: If you’ll continue to be patient with the process, I’ll be patient with you. (New oil) is another one I think you’ll have great results from. I’m going to get you a sample of that, and we’ll see if that’s the best oil to address your health need. And when we’ve found the right oil, then you’ll have something safe, natural, and cost-effective to address your health need!” Deliver the new sample and restart the sampling process.

  • If they loved their experience, it’s time to invite them to your next class! (this will increase your close rates in a HUGE way)

📝 Your Assignment:
Print the
Sampling Flow Chart to keep in your office
Begin contacting your list to offer a sample experience. (see the scripts from yesterday)
Don’t forget to begin tracking your customers on
your tracking sheet
💡TIP: You can offer a sampling experience on social media but limit it to the first 10 people (creates urgency) that fill in a form or do something else to qualify them (ie ask them to read a post or watch a video and message you with a specific answer)

On Day 4, you’re going to learn How to Properly Invite.


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