🎙️ your audio coaching for today:
🗒️ your actions for today:
Our Monthly Activity Tracker with Weekly Blueprint
🗒️ Everyday you want to be moving your customers through the PIPES (see image below). Today’s actions focus on the customers you are ready to INVITE to your class, because they’ve had an awesome oil experience with their sample.
Say this:
“If you think (______ oil) is awesome, that’s just the tip of the iceberg! It’s incredible how many things you can solve with essential oils. (Share one or two powerful experiences with essential oils).
Here’s what we’re going to do: There is an amazing Intro to Oils class on _________and another class_________. I think what you will learn could change your life. I would love you to come. Which of those times works better for you?”
Confirm the date and time, and let them know you’ll give them a call with more details two days before the class.
✨ Super important:
In your launch season, you want to be teaching at least 1 class every week in person or online, so that you always have a method for taking people from experience to experience. It’s wise to have a class on the same day + time each week so that you can work the rest of your business building around that class.
🗒️ Let’s look at what a brilliant week could look like:
Let’s say you plan to have a class every Wed @ 7pm…
On Mondays, you would be connecting/reminding all the people you’ve invited to your Wed class
On Tuesdays, you would be doing some prep for your class and looking at how you can support your customers + contacts in the PIPES model
On Wednesday, teaching class. Set an alarm on your phone to text all guests 2hrs before the class to let them know you’re excited to see them
On Thursday, entering enrolments from your class
On Friday, you could be doing lifestyle overviews with customers who have already received their oils and/or connecting with customer who you’ve sampled or want to sample to
📝 Your Assignment: think about your own schedule:
Is there a day + time each week that you are willing to set aside for teaching?
And can you create a pattern for each week that designates what you’ll be doing the other days of the week?
Use our Monthly Activity Tracker to map this out in the ‘weekly blueprint’ section
On Day 5, you’re going to learn Why People Show up For Your Class (or don’t)